5 Best Network Marketing Books For Beginners

Hello networkers, welcome back for another network marketing post about the best network marketing books for beginners. If you need assistance selecting network marketing books that will help you start or work within different industries or decide what items to remember as a networker, all this and more could come up!

It indicates excellent networking success; any time something crosses your mind spontaneously, it should be studied more fully as soon as it comes up in conversation or thought process.

As you get into the network marketing business, there is plenty of study material to assist you in your journey. I read five books from them myself to illustrate my point. For anyone just beginning their network marketing business journey, these five books offer valuable advice on growing in any network marketing Business. 

Top 5 Best Network Marketing Books For Beginners

  1. The Parable of the Pipeline By Burke Hedges
  2. The Business School Robert T. Kiyosaki
  3. Questions Are the Answers, Allan Pease
  4. CopyCat Marketing 101 By Burke Hedges
  5. Who Stolen the American Dream By Burke Hedges

1. The Parable of the Pipeline By Burke Hedges 

best network marketing books for beginners

The first book in the list of 5 best network marketing books for beginners is “The Parable of the Pipeline.” Every network marketer should read the book as soon as they begin so they understand what they are doing in real time where they live. This book follows Pablo and Bruno, two friends tasked with carrying water from one pond to the next. One serves as a bucket carrier while the other builds pipelines. 

They each take on their jobs until they’re assigned the common task of filling water from a reservoir into an underground system. One friend performs his duty happily while another declines, saying that they do not wish to continue filling buckets their entire lives due to having bigger visions that they will eventually tire of this task with nothing going wrong in the future and continue doing it forever and ever. 

After this incident, one of the friends began his pipe-end building work. In the beginning, people saw him with suspicion. People spoke negatively of him and criticized his efforts. Still, as time passed, the other friend building a pipeline saw his efforts bear fruit and became known by that title – they eventually nicknamed him Pipeline Builder!

This book is meant to change your mindset by helping you to find an alternative thought process where either bucket carrier represents a job or pipeline builder represents a network marketing business. Many other things have also been covered in this book, such as compounding.

Either you become a bucket carrier or pipeline builder; both options initially have their share of challenges, but ultimately, their prospects should prove far brighter than either scenario!

2. The Business School by Robert Toru Kiyosaki 

best network marketing books for beginners

The second best book every beginner should read is D Business School: The People Who Want to Help Someone. A robot writes this book. If I talk about this book is fantastic because if you know about Robot Kiyoski, then only you will see that he is one of the wealthiest people in the world. 

He’s known for writing many books and serving as a financial adviser. One book written by him entitled ‘Network Marketing Why You Should Care,’ provides answers to a letter that came in from one of his fans who reveres him greatly; specifically, she mentioned a lady whose husband joined a network marketing company, but she has doubts as to its validity or whether it’s some money circulation scheme; she asked why my husband only ever joins this one business instead of doing other ventures too – thus sparking The Business School book and answering her letter as well.

This book answers that letter by covering various aspects of network marketing, such as who can do it and the different ways of earning money, its benefits, and more. This book can be an excellent resource for any networker looking to grow his network marketing business or strengthen his mindset for network marketing.

Read: 10 Reasons Why Are Books Important In Network Marketing?

3. Questions are the Answers by Allan Pease

best network marketing books for beginners

Questions Are The Answers ranks third on our list of best network marketing books for beginners. Just by reading its title, you will understand just how crucial answering questions of your prospect is. 

Questions Are The Answer is an ideal book for marketers looking for strategies for handling objections in marketing. Tailored explicitly towards closing any prospect effectively by covering body posture, language analysis, and closing techniques, this guide offers fantastic help when managing prospects’ objections. 

By reading this book, a networker can easily understand the mindset and thoughts of any potential prospect or person; its many questions allow for accessible communication with prospective customers or individuals, making this a valuable book in network marketing and other businesses. 

I found it very intriguing when reading this book that the Five Golden Questions described how you could close someone by asking these five questions, which made my reading experience very engaging. If you want to improve communication within your team or product development and present plans more effectively, then you must read this book – its content alone could make a difference in your success!

4. CopyCat Marketing 101 by Burke Hedges

best network marketing books for beginners

One of the best network marketing books for beginners is Copycat Marketing 101. What do you think about its title, ‘Copycat Marketing 101? ‘? Stated that a copycat is just copying someone already successful. I want you to understand that being successful comes in two ways: doing something independently or copying those who are already successful.

As children, we tend to copy from childhood until adulthood when everything needs doing, we tend to mimic someone who already is successful and copy them all our lives – copycatting is something which all humans do naturally from childhood onward. To truly become successful, you must emulate someone succeeding; only then will your success be achieved.

Here, you explore leveraging copycat strategies to achieve wealth. The book distinguishes between linear growth, where income is directly tied to time worked, and exponential growth, which can lead to financial freedom through leveraging and compounding efforts. 

Hedges emphasizes the potential of network marketing, or multilevel marketing (MLM), as a vehicle for exponential growth, suggesting that it allows individuals to benefit from the efforts of others in their network. The book guides those seeking to break the traditional time-for-money employment model. 

It mainly focuses on the idea that copying successful systems and strategies can create wealth. It has been described as a mix of self-help, business, and finance, strongly endorsing network marketing as a path to financial success.

5. Who Stole the American Dream by Burke Hedges

best network marketing books for beginners

Who Stole the American Dream by Berk Hedges is an invaluable book for those interested in industry legalities. If this topic interests you, this book can prove very informative – read it and don’t miss it! This book explores the potential and opportunities within the network marketing industry. Hedges argues that network marketing is not a scam or scheme but a legitimate business model that can lead to financial success. 

Furthermore, its pages discuss pyramid schemes in detail, including their definition and any illegalities or legality that might apply. People often refer to this industry as a pyramid scheme or pyramid scam; however, most don’t know what that term entails. You will learn all this and more in this book; everything has been covered extensively, including government entities that fall within this field, whether they meet pyramid scheme criteria, or other relevant issues.

He says this industry is changing how business is done worldwide by allowing people to be their boss and become financially independent. People are encouraged to read this book as a source of motivation to think about network marketing as a way to make money and escape the restrictions of standard jobs.

Hedges uses his experiences and success stories to show how network marketing can help people. He does this to encourage and teach readers about the many opportunities this business model offers.


In conclusion, these are the best network marketing books for beginners who want to start a network marketing business and are stuck searching for knowledge. By reading all these things, one can accumulate knowledge to a great extent and start his own business. What do you think? Have you read all these books? If yes, please tell in the comment box which book you found to be the best and what you have learned from it.

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