4 Main Reasons Why Network Marketing Negative In India

When you started a network marketing business, and want to know Why network marketing negative in india? It makes you a person who wants to get into the industry by learning in and out of the industry because there are two types of people in this industry: one who is looking at some negative points about network marketing and doesn’t want to do it.

second, the people who are looking for the information so that they can know why people have network marketing negative aspects or what kind things people and government do with this industry. 

Again, is network marketing a legitimate business opportunity or a scam that needs to be avoided? This question has been debated for years in India, where the industry has faced significant challenges and negative perceptions. Despite being valued at over $1.5 billion and providing income opportunities to millions of people, network marketing (also known as multi-level marketing or MLM) is often viewed with skepticism and distrust by the Indian public.

Network marketing has a long history in India, with companies like Amway and Oriflame operating here since the 1990s. The business model, which involves selling products directly to consumers and building a team of distributors, promises high earnings and entrepreneurship potential. However, this guide will discuss network marketing in India and the reason for the negativity. 

4 Reasons Why Network Marketing Negative In India

1. False Promises 

2. Weak regulatory framework

3. Illegal Pyramid Schemes

4. Social Media Criticism 

1. False Promises 

 Why network marketing negative in india

One of the most critical factors Why network marketing negative in India because of people’s false promises to their prospects or upcoming distributors. This thing is not only from this time but has been going on for a long time. You must have heard that you can buy a BMW in 3 months when you start a business. If you look at this thing or this fact, its name seems to be a direct-selling business. 

This business takes some time to do and become successful, so if you are ever thinking of joining a network marketing business or a direct selling business, keep in mind what promises they are making and stay away from them. To butter him from the company.

2. Weak Regulatory Framework

In India, one of the biggest problems is that there is no need for more precise and complete rules for the MLM business. Because regulations aren’t clear, many fake MLM companies have been able to grow and scam people through pyramid schemes and money transfer schemes. 

A big problem has been that the government still needs to be able to differentiate between legal MLMs and illegal pyramid scams. There aren’t many strict rules in India’s MLM business, so scams and dishonest practices often happen and catch innocent people. Some businesses lie about how easy and quick it is to make money when they don’t sell goods or services. 

As you find out, virtual products are not allowed to be sold in India through networking like digital marketing courses. Still, few companies need to see this and are still doing it, and this is one of the second most common reasons Why network marketing negative in India. 

3. Illegal Pyramid schemes

Why network marketing negative in india

First, you have to understand what a pyramid scheme is now; after that, there are two types of pyramid schemes: one is a legal pyramid scheme, and the second one is an illegal pyramid scheme. 

Let’s understand about these two pyramid schemes. 

Legal Pyramid Schemes:

  • An actual product or service is being sold to end consumers/public.
  • Participants earn income primarily by selling real products/services, not just recruiting others.
  • While recruiting new distributors is allowed, there are other emphases or sources of income.
  • There are no required inventories or expensive buy-ins to join.
  • The compensation plan focuses on rewarding sales to end consumers rather than recruiting.

Illegal Pyramid Scheme:

  • There is no actual product or service for end consumers.
  • Income is earned primarily through recruiting others and the fees/funds paid by recruits.
  • Emphasis is on aggressively recruiting new members rather than selling products.
  • Recruits must pay expensive upfront fees or purchase extensive inventories to join.
  • No matter how many recruits join, most participants inevitably lose money except those at the top.

Specific MLMs promise returns simply for enrolling new members and pooling money without selling goods or services, which falls into the illegal pyramid scheme. This is considered a money circulation scheme, banned under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act of 1978.

Ponzi schemes are also illegal pyramid schemes, but people see these things in different ways. There is a book that explains legal and illegal pyramid schemes, and it is named “Who Stole the American Dream.” Ponzi is the name of a person who committed this scam in America. 

A Ponzi scheme is like a person using funds from new investors to pay off early ones rather than generating real profits. These eventually collapse, causing losses to later investors. 

Read: Top 10 Legal MLM Company In India

4. Social Media Criticism 

Why network marketing negative in india

One of the most common reasons Why network marketing negative in India? are the false and misleading videos and Google reviews people have done for this industry. 

I am not saying everyone is terrible. As you know, if there are some positives, some negative successful companies nowadays have gone through this problem. 

Now, let’s talk about social media. Do you know how people can use social media, and negative news can go viral like nothing? People who don’t know about network marketing can easily get brainwashed and believe this industry and people are frauds. Even if you find out people who have yet to join and do any network marketing, they create videos and make money. 

Understand that you are the person who decides what is right and wrong for you. So make sure you consult with the right people before making any decision. This is one of the reasons for the negative perception of network marketing in India. 

Despite these challenges, it’s important to note that not all network marketing companies are evil. Some legitimate MLM businesses sell quality products and offer a fair compensation plan. However, the negative experiences many Indians have had with unscrupulous players have understandably led to skepticism and distrust of the industry. 

Solutions That Can Counter The Negativity of Network Marketing in India

1. Stronger Regulations and Enforcement

To improve the reputation of network marketing in India, there is a need for stronger regulations and effective enforcement mechanisms to distinguish legitimate MLMs from illegal pyramid schemes and money circulation scams. Clear guidelines and strict penalties for non-compliance can help weed out fraudulent players and protect consumers from being misled or exploited.

2. Promoting Ethical Marketing Practices

MLM companies and their distributors should be encouraged or mandated to adopt ethical marketing practices. This includes prohibiting misleading income claims, aggressive sales tactics, and deceptive or high-pressure recruitment methods.

3. Consumer Education and Awareness

Efforts should be made to educate consumers about the realities of the MLM business model, including the potential risks, challenges, and the importance of conducting thorough due diligence before joining any such opportunity.

Increased awareness and critical thinking can help individuals make informed decisions and avoid falling prey to unscrupulous players or unrealistic promises.

4. Fostering a Supportive Community

MLM companies and industry associations can work towards fostering a more supportive and inclusive community for their distributors. This can involve providing comprehensive training and mentorship programs and creating a culture that values personal growth and ethical business practices over aggressive recruitment tactics.

By prioritizing the well-being and success of their distributors, MLMs can improve their public image and attract more people who are genuinely interested in the business opportunity.

Addressing the challenges faced by network marketing in India will require a multi-pronged approach involving regulatory reforms, industry self-regulation, consumer education, and a shift towards more ethical and sustainable business practices. While the road ahead may be challenging, taking proactive steps can help restore public trust and create a more favorable environment for legitimate MLM companies to thrive.


In conclusion, when you consider Why network marketing negative in India? Then you should keep these things in your mind and make your decisions.  If you are going to know knowledge about network marketing, then you should talk to the people who are doing it. 

It might help you understand better because there is a difference between information and knowledge; information can be easily found on social media, but I think otherwise.  How do you find this information helpful? Please share your feedback in the comment box below.


Is network marketing good or bad in India?

It depends on how the person thinks and takes positive or negative things.

Why is network marketing negative?

Many network marketing options on the market may not be worth your while; their aim isn’t to bring you money but rather enrich those involved (promoters or owners) by increasing their wealth; some schemes even resemble pyramid schemes!

Why do most network marketers fail?

Many multi-level marketing companies fail due to ineffective financial management. Be sure to select an innovative, forward-thinking firm. I dream of being an ideal network marketing professional but have yet to take action towards reaching this goal.

Sharing Is Caring:

A networking strategist, direct selling professional and the lead content creator at NetworkerTalk, where he provides actionable insights and advice on building meaningful professional and personal connections.

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