Who Stole The American Dream Summary | Network Marketing Book

Welcome to another series of network marketing books. Here, we will learn about the Who Stole The American Dream Summary by Burke Hedges. This is again the second most fantastic book for any network marketer if he wants to be successful in network marketing.

You will find many books, but according to the book I have read in this book, I have understood everything about legal and ethical matters and what network marketing is. 

So when you enter into network marketing, many questions run through your mind: whatever I am doing, is it legal or not? If someone asks you what work you do, whether it is a pyramid scheme or something else, then many questions come to your mind, so this book answers all these questions. 

Here, we talk about who stole the American dream book review. You will learn legal and illegal things about pyramid schemes, including the advantages and disadvantages of network marketing; I will discuss them in detail.

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Who Stole The American Dream Summary Chapter Wise


Phase One: The American Dream 

Phase Two: Who Stole The American Dream and Why 

Phase Three: Why Traditional Way Don’t Work Anymore

Phase Four: The Truth About Network Marketing 

Phase Five: Network Marketing and You!


Stop Theif 

The author starts with a short story in the introduction in which he gets frightened when a car enters his house as if he has lost something. Similarly, he further explains how something dear to you feels stolen. Imagine being angry and powerless when something as private and precious as your dream is stolen. Going further, the author explains what is the American dream. In this, many types of arguments are given. 

Is the American dream of getting a job, going to college, and getting a degree? Is this the American dream? Waking up at 8:00 in the morning and returning home in the evening? Is this the American dream? To work all your life and then die? Is the American dream? Trading your time for money? Is this also an American dream? 

You will be surprised to know that 90% of businesses fail in the first year, 80% survive in the next five years, and the remaining 80% that survive are never seen in 10 years, which means fewer than one out of a hundred small businesses failed in the last decade and a half. Starting a conventional business is a way to achieve the American dream. 

Here, the author is talking about conventional business. Aadesh further says that the time we are living in is very different; the thing that you could have done in 50 years can be done in 5 years; for example, if you talk about radio, it took 38 years to reach 50 million listeners, while TV took 13 years to reach the 50 million mark, while it only took internet four years to attract 50 million users. No one understands anything about the era in which we live, how fast it is, and how quickly we can do things well. 

In ‘The Future is Now Ladies and Gentlemen,’ if you see what will come in the coming time, you do not know this. You will be left behind, and for that, you will have to keep moving ahead; the way technology is changing, you will also have to change; in this, the author also talks about YouTube and he also talks about Google. In the introduction, the author tells us whether network marketing is proper for you or whether you can be successful in it. 

This is his complete opinion about this; in this book, you will learn everything step by step. When you read this thoroughly, you will not have any excuses that you don’t have time or money, or you have become naughty, or I cannot do any work, or you are nothing in it. The author explains this in detail. So, let us move on to the next chapter, The American Dream.

Phase one: The American Dream 

The Myth of the American Dream 

In the first phase of Who Stole the American Dream takeaways, the author talks about the American Dream and what it is; he puts forward a lot of pointers, like every human wants freedom and security, money for his family, health, and happiness, and wants to help others.

A human being wants everything, but he does not want a lot of money; the truth is we want to earn a lot of time and want to give a product, so about the American dream, he explains that the American dream is the freedom to choose whatever you want wherever you want to, whatever you want to do.

Moving forward, the author explains the truth about the American dream. We have made up our minds that by setting limits on our lives, we are forced to do things that we don’t even like, we are not able to do what we want, we are running away from our favorite things, An Alarming Number of People The American Team May Even Have Become the American Nightmare. In the second chapter, the author focuses on why. Which states that if this is a thing, then why?


In the beginning, the author discusses a quote from Wall Disney: “And over dreams can come true if they dare to do so.” In this comment, the author examines whether it is the reality that only a crazy person is coming in the middle of our dreams.

Going further, he says that if this comes in the middle, the employees who work very well and hard cannot live their dream lives successfully. Do they not have the courage to fulfill their dreams? A question arises here. 

Next, the author talks about your dreams and asks whether you are living your dream life as you thought in your childhood if you are going to college, and then why are you going?

Explaining the thought of Mr. Walt Disney, he says that all these nonsense talks are only about doing so because the people coming in the middle of our dreams are the influential people who keep a fire inside us; there is an instinct of basic survival and fighting back.

Whenever you are down, they tell you they guarantee that no one will be short on energy; they don’t need a pep talk, what we need as 21st-century people to drive that and dream.

Phase Two: Phase Two: Who Stole The American Dream and Why 

Pyramid Schemes

In this phase, the author discusses private schemes. He explains that many people call network marketing a pyramid scheme, but if you are asked what a marketing or private scheme is, will you be able to tell? The truth is that a multi-level pyramid is a natural structure. He explains that all the structures or pyramid structures are natural because every organization that distributes goods and services has a private structure.

Our companies also come under a private-level or multi-level pyramid. Schools and colleges also come under a private, but there is a difference here. There are two types of pyramids: legal pyramids and illegal pyramids. So, let’s discuss the first illegal primary schemes.

Illegal pyramid schemes

Who Stole The American Dream Summary

In this sector, we have been told about illegal pyramids. An unlawful pyramid is a money-making scheme done by people, meaning that if we look at a private, money flows from bottom to top. Still, the value is not flowing from top to bottom; in terms of value, goods and services are not flowing. For example, illegal pyramid schemes include changing letters, airplane games, money tree games, etc.

Going further, the author talks about how a chain letter works, how an illegal lottery works, how an airplane game works, and what the schemes are; all these that I have just told you are illegal pyramid schemes and scams. This means that this process always goes round and round; no one earns money, and only the one at the top earns money; that is called illegal private.

Legal Pyramid Schemes

Who Stole The American Dream Summary

If we talk about the legal pyramid in short, it is said that where money flows from bottom to top, you also have value flowing from top to bottom, and if the value flows down the line from good services, then it is a legal pyramid scheme. The most prominent example of a legal pyramid scale is our government. 

The author goes on to say that social security is the biggest pyramid scheme in the whole world. Plus, we discuss it further after turning 40; you wait for money for a pension, but it is not very full. We talk about tax, which means the tax taken from us is legal or illegal. We talk about charity and education. 

Many non-profit organizations spend 5% of their revenue on the entire victim and 95% on their expenses, including salaries, expense accounts, medical benefits, retirement packages, taxes, etc. Moving forward, the author tells a beautiful story about illusion versus reality. Listening to the story lets you discover whether your world is pollution or reality. 

So, at the end of the chapter, the author tells you that it is essential for you to understand how not illegal but legal pyramid schemes are looting money from you and putting you in debt.

Read: Copycat Marketing 101 Summary | Network Marketing Book

There is no security Anymore.

So, in the next chapter, the author says there is no security in the world. He tells why he has kept this chapter on security because, throughout life, a person keeps thinking about his security. Research shows that security is on the top list if we have to know a person’s desire for his career, family, and future. But the sad thing is that in today’s time, there is no security; security has gone out of there.

Moving forward, the author talks about a new world, blue-collar jobs, and white-collar jobs. A job is a security, which, if seen in reality, every person runs to get it, but when security is never absolute, it is not an evil. In a traditional business, the working people are, in a way, working laborers, and this is said. Conventional small business is said, plus taking the franchise is taken further. You can understand how the franchise model works when you read the book.

What are your options? 

After, in the sector, they say that if you have accepted that there is no security in this world if there is anything, then this is up to you and me. So where will you go and what will you do? Please talk more about your income options. So, on the income option, you can take up a job, work as a self-employed person, buy a franchise, or make an investment, but there is one more way you can do it straightforwardly.

It is called marketing and multi-level marketing, so in the next phase, network marketing will be discussed. Plus, why traditional ways are not working today will also be addressed. (Who Stole The American Dream Summary)

Phase Three: Why Traditional Way Don’t Work Anymore

Paradigm – A $100 Word And a Million-Dollar Idea

On this page, the author explains that Paradise Shift is a model for how we see the world. It is a status quotient. The American Dream is a Paradise. Moving forward, the author discusses the Swiss Watch Paradise Move over Rolex AirCom Sikhs are also discussed.

If you don’t understand after reading the previous chapters how the American Dream was stolen, then here you will know that Painter’s Voice has told you that CEOs’ Giant Corporation Po stole your dream, politicians Re, lives it Me,dia also stole it Herrich Huss Fund Manager also stole it, Fortune 1000 Company also stole it Walmart Everyday Low Pricing stole it State of Local Unions and many more you will understand in detail when you will read this.

Let’s discuss the opportunity for new and better ideas for ​​MM. Here, we talk about network marketing. They start with the franchises, from Subway Sandwich to D Home Report, Starbucks, dog, Dale Fox, and, after that, network marketing, which is somewhere the same business that other businesses are running in the market or is a franchise business model.

Why Network Markeing? CH…Ch…Ch…Chan ges 

In the chapter, the author discussed choosing to buy network marketing, which discusses change. In this chapter, he has told that the way traditional business or the world is changing, in the same way, network marketing can also be made the best option.

He talked about buying and selling and making good money in the old fashion, meaning how money was made in the old way shopping malls and franchises came. In doing so, he takes the chapter to network marketing and distribution systems. In the next chapter, he talks about distribution. You will read about all these things in detail in the book, then you will understand well.

Phase Four: The Truth About Network Marketing 

What is Network Marketing, And How does it work? 

In this chapter, we have talked about network marketing, what it is, and how it works; the author talks about the 80-20 rule and explains the power of the pyramid in the networking industry. 

The author also describes how network marketing works; that is, if we talk in simple terms, there is a manufacturer that makes goods and services, plus it further asks its distributors to recommend it to different people so that whenever a person buys that product, then he sells it again and again. 

The distributor also gets money, so this is a straightforward network marketing work. In this you can earn a lot of money even by doing less work, the company also wins in this, duplication is one such thing which helps you to become successful. 

The author says that you can become rich within a month or even a day after, plus he also tells options by taking the boss’s scenario here—many dozen reasons why a person should get involved in network marketing. Network marketing is a new thing, and then financial freedom, so let us discuss network marketing in the next chapter.

Phase Five: Network Marketing and You!

Are you Riding a Dead Horse? 

In this chapter, the author talks about how if you are riding a horse and it dies, you should get off it instead of sitting on it and waiting for it to come alive and start walking. Relating this, the author asks if your current option can take you to the destination, that is, can the work you are doing now take you to your dream? 

The answer doesn’t come. He asked whether your current job takes you where you want to go and whether it is just a habit. Are you making progress on your retirement plans and sitting state? Are you heading in the direction of your dream? 

So, are you stuck in a place where you are growing in your current occupation and dying on the win? Are you getting paid what you are? Really, what are you just waiting for? When he asks these work questions, you can understand by asking yourself: What are you doing? Are you not writing on a dead horse? 

The author further describes network marketing as the ultimate vehicle through which you can fulfill your dreams and explains the advantages of network marketing. Below are some of its benefits:

  1. Franchise Like Business Model
  2. Gross Exponentially
  3. Leverage Time And Money
  4. Average Person’s Best Chance To Earn Above Average Income
  5. System Of Education And Training
  6. Recurring Income
  7. Help Others While Helping Yourself
  8. Low Cost Of Entry High-Profit Potential
  9. Choose The People You Work With
  10. Be Your Boss, etc…

Continuing, the author says that by exploding network marketing, you can fulfill your dreams if you are serious.


Suppose I talk about a conclusion, Who Stole The American Dream Summary; here you will understand the legal and illegal pyramids, why the author calls network marketing the best distribution system to fulfill your dreams, and how it can help you achieve financial freedom. So, I hope you found this information helpful; if you have any questions, you can write in the comment box how you like this information. Please give your opinion too.

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A networking strategist, direct selling professional and the lead content creator at NetworkerTalk, where he provides actionable insights and advice on building meaningful professional and personal connections.

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