Monkey Peanut Story | Network Marketing Stories

Monkey Peanut Story: Are you looking for a story that you can share in your network marketing presentation, whether it is among your network downline, or you can listen to what you are showing to the people and make your closing easier? Here, you can find the network marketing story. You will get different stories you can use daily and in your network marketing business.

The Story is a great way to present your point of view in marketing because it is very impactful and essential for any good networker to tell the Story. Now, they say that a good network is always a good storyteller. So, if you want to be successful or close your plans, then Story is a great way to do all these things.

Today, we will discuss one of the most used network marketing stories, Monkey Peanut Story. Once you read this entire Story, I will ensure you can speed up your closing, but I also say that you should know how to explain the Story adequately. Only then can this thing make an impact.

Monkey Peanut Story: Are you Living your life based on Monthly peanuts? 

Monkey Peanut Story: Are you Living your life based on Monthly peanuts?

So the Story starts like this: in a vast dense forest, there were two monkeys, one male and one female; they loved each of them very much, so they were pleased while moving from one tree to another. While dying on a tree, we were living our life.

The female monkey is very demanding; she does not want everything. When it is the birthday of the female monkey, the male monkey promises her that whatever she asks for on this day will be brought to him. Will give.

In a dense forest, Khushi has a monkey catcher named Shambhu Shikari, who catches the monkeys, sees Madaris, and earns money. The Shambhu Shikari lays a net, and the water is so warm that he puts some peanuts in a vessel. Whatever monkey puts his hand in a pot of peanuts, it goes away, but when he tries to get out with a closed fist, his hand gets stuck, so the water is made in something like this.

It was a day when the monkey and his female partner roamed and were happy, jumping from one tree to another. Suddenly, the female monkey’s eyes fell on the peanuts kept in the pot. When he sees it, she feels like eating and tells her male partner that she wants those peanuts.

Mail Monkey, whatever happens, says yes, yes, why not? Of course, I also bring it. Mail Banki takes out the periods and puts his hand inside the vessel to take out the peanut, and the monkey’s hand goes inside. Whenever he tries to remove the period by closing his fist, his hand gets stuck, and the monkey shouts very loudly. 

He tries to take out his hand, but it does not come out. Now the monkey gets into a lot of trouble because he had promised his female partner that he would take whatever you said today, so he tries to take out his heart; how did the monkey reach there then? But.

Like how a monkey lives, he catches the monkey, ties it in a rope, and takes it to the city. After taking it to the town, he sends the monkey to a tavern. 

Now, what does the juggler do? He plays with the monkeys and earns money. So when the monkey does not agree to his words in the face of starting, the juggler gives him a period. Whenever he says that after dancing, I will provide you with a drink, and the juggler will dance till then. He used to dance whenever he got a peanut; 2 years and five years passed by doing this.

There came a time when the butcher ran out of peanuts. When the peanuts ran out, he chased away the monkey. Now, what is the crush here that makes him unable to even go to his old forest because he has lost his way and is away from his master? 

Meaning, don’t throw me out in front of a man who begs a lot; I will be ready to do such work; keep giving me periods, but if the owner doesn’t listen and drives him away, then the monkey can neither go to the jungle nor can he go to the jungle now that he is in the city. When he comes, he is not even getting his periods, so the monkey sits idle and has nowhere to go.

This Story applies to us; if I talk about monkeys in it, we are the employees doing less; whatever happens to us is just peanuts, and we get a high monthly salary.

Read: Are You Just Breaking Stones Or You Are Building Monument?

Moral Of the Monkey Peanut Story 

So what is the moral here that if we talk about this job, then when it is such a thing that as long as you are getting peanuts, i.e., you are getting a salary, it is okay when that company gets closed, and it takes time to fire you? Please keep searching for another source of income and keep doing it. So don’t be just like the monkey walking for the peanuts; build a business and create a system.


I hope you liked this Monkey Peanut Story very much. You can understand this Story by taking it on yourself, and you can talk to your network marketing team. How did you like this Story? Please do tell in the comment section. Also, share this Story with yourself. Could you share it with networkers, too? See you in the following story session.

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