Elephant Rope Story Conquer Your Self-Belief 

Hello everybody, I came again with an exciting story about Elephant Rope Story, which helps you understand we must conquer our self-belief; otherwise, we will always fear doing something else or even trying something new.  

It doesn’t matter whether you are the robust and significant person in your area, but if your self-belief is so low or you find out with the same old thinking, you are nothing, just a weak soul in a strong body. 

To solve this problem, I am here to tell you a great story of an elephant so strong but frightened by a little stick carried by a human. 

Elephant Rope Story

Elephant Rope Story

In my training period, I learned how to tell a story, and I came across this fantastic story, which made the moral relatable. The story goes like this…

Once upon a time, a young man was passing through an elephant camp area when he suddenly noticed that the elephants were not in any cage but tied to each other with a thin rope. Is tied. 

A question arises in the young man’s mind: Can such a giant elephant, which is so powerful yet tied with a small, thin rope, even run away? 

Why is it listening to those trainers? Then why is he staying there? Many questions arise in a person’s mind.

He goes to the trainer and asks him this question: you have controlled these elephants, which many people cannot control, by just tying one end with a small rope? Why is it so, and how do you do this?

After listening to the young man’s question, the trainer smiles and answers the young man by saying that it is not yet when these elephants are small; it is effortless to tie this rope around their legs. 

When they are small, and the rope does not break from them, then a belief is formed in their mind that as long as they remain bound by this disease, they will not be able to break it no matter how hard they try. Knowing this, he never tries to break the rope even though he is older.

Moral of the Elephant Rope Story

Moral of the Story: The way we grow in our lives, in the same way, our self-belief is also formed. When you take the next vital step every day, you think about many things, whether you should do it or not, and within this training, you implement it. 

Could you not do it? Just because a barrier has formed in your mind, you can say that you, too, are bound by this thin chain that prevents you from moving forward.

But it is not that you cannot break it; you have to become an influential person. You do not have to be afraid of taking risks; you must keep moving forward, and only then can you become successful.

Read: The Roger Bannister Story: Making Impossible To Possible 

Where can you use this story?

Now, a fundamental question arises as to where you can tell the story, so first of all, do it yourself and understand one thing: yes, it is a fundamental matter to change your mindset.

 The second thing is that while giving a presentation, you can relate this story so that the person in front will know with which mindset he is a prominent environmentalist and what needs to be changed. 

When this Shipra works for you, the prospect in front will firmly believe that yes, I can try and may be ready to start a business with you.


Conclusion We should not do anything further as long as we live with our thoughts and thought processes; that is why we need to leave our old thought processes and adopt new ones. It is essential to do self-play and change the mindset.

So, how did you like this elephant growth story? Please comment in the box below and share the schedule with your networkers.

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